Varilux X Series

Revolutionary varifocals providing total visual freedom – seeing is believing!

Varilux X Series is the best varifocal lens in the world, not available in high-street opticians.  It is the first varifocal to ensure your vision is as natural as possible for everyday activities, both near and far.  If you have tried varifocals and haven’t got on with them, you need to try Varilux X Series – once you’ve tried them, there is no going back!


What are they?

Varilux X Series lenses are powered by Xtend technology, which extends your near vision like never before.  Instead of having two prescriptions for activities at two different lengths, the lenses have a range of prescriptions, so you have seamless vision, both close up, mid-distance and long distance.  You can see all that matters to you, at all distances.

Why you should

If you’re fed up with having to tilt your head to see things clearly within your current varifocals, or taking your glasses on and off depending upon what you’re doing, Varilux X Series is the solution you’ve been waiting for.  If you have multiple prescriptions but haven’t been able to get on with varifocals, Varilux X Series will revolutionise your world. 

Personalised Varilux X series lenses are engineered to sharpen vision, speed up lens adaptation time, significantly improve visual comfort and ensure your Varilux X series lenses are in perfect synergy with your eyes and frame.

Why Kings Hill Opticians

Our skilled opticians and dispensing opticians will make sure you have the most accurate prescription to ensure your Varilux X Series lenses are personalised to you, your posture and your visual behaviour.  We’ll also apply our expertise to help you choose the optimal frames for these revolutionary lenses, so you see brilliantly and look fantastic!

Did you know? 

Whether you predominantly move your head or your eyes to look at different things will affect how you need your lenses to work; we measure your personal movements to make sure your lenses are designed for your bespoke requirements.  We also measure you near visual behaviour to ensure we can control the near and intermediate zones to work optimally for you.  Additionally, each frame sits differently on different faces, therefore each Varifocal lens behaves differently depending on the frame it is inserted into.  Our Varilux X4D makes allowances for this.

The science

The Varilux Xclusive 4D is the best Varilux progressive lens, allowing you to seamlessly capture every detail within arm’s reach and beyond with high precision.  The Xclusive 4D uses the latest measuring equipment to enable us to create bespoke varifocal lenses that are the perfect match for you and your lifestyle.

Think of the Varilux 4D lens as a Saville Row, tailor-made suit, in which every single measurement is taken – cuff size, shoulder to elbow, elbow to wrist etc – rather than an off-the-peg suit in which you can only choose your chest and waist measurements.  Varilux 4D measures your actual distance and near visual behaviour, as we all move our eyes and heads differently to look at things in the periphery.

It also measures the individual parameters of your chosen frame (how tilted it is, how curved it is, how far it sits from your eye), since these factors can mess up a varifocal lens design completely.  

Call 01732 875544 to book your appointment


"I used to have just reading glasses, but I was driving professionally and I realised that I was taking my eyes off the road for far too long to be able to focus on my sat nav.  The solution suggested to me by Kings Hill Opticians was Varilux lenses.  They’re fantastic – everything is in focus all the time: I can glance down at my sat nav when I am on the road, when I go out for a meal both my food and the people round the table are in focus and I don’t have to keep asking my partner how much things cost when we are shopping.  I still have single prescription glasses for reading, but I wear my Varilux pretty much all the rest of the time as they just put everything in focus."

Colin McVittie



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Our opening times are:
Mon to Fri : 9am - 6pm / Saturday : 9am - 5pm

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2 Liberty Square
Kings Hill
West Malling
ME19 4AU

Telephone 01732 875544
Fax 01732 875533
Email [email protected]

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Kings Hill Opticians
2 Liberty Square
Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent
ME19 4AU

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Our registered office is at 2 Liberty Square, Kings Hill, West Malling, Kent ME19 4AU.